Tuesday, June 14, 2011

NATO maritime exercises in the Gulf of Vlora, Southern Albania

Albanian political crisis, forcing NATO to perform strong security measures at ports of Albania

Greek frigate "Spetsai" of class "Meco Standard 200", and four Coastal Minehunters ships from Greece, Great Britain, Turkey and Spain, are training by one week, in the Bay of Vlora, in a joint drill mission in the framework of NATO.

According to sources, the NATO naval maneuvers are holding their training, in a hot climate Albanian politics, especially after the complex problems of the electoral process in Albania.

However, training of ships of NATO, has passed in silence by the Albanian media, the fact that the participation of Greek Navy by a frigate, is not reflected in the Albanian press.

Contingent of NATO soldiers, of 400 personnel (only Greek frigates "Spetsai" has on board 250 sailors, were guests of tourists in many of the restaurants in Vlora.

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