Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Albania update

Socialist Party decides not to vote U.S. aid

The decision was taken by the Socialist Party Parliamentary Group, who are voting conditioned by 3 / 5 of the parliament, with the opening of ballot boxes, a request one year of the Albanian opposition,
In this decision, discourages investment and U.S. aid to Albania, Tirana then can occur in the middle of its political crossroads. ...............................................................................................................................................................
The Fact
US urges Albanian parliament to adopt law on administrative courts


TIRANA, Albania -- The US Embassy in Tirana on Monday (September 27th) urged parliament to quickly adopt a draft law on administrative courts, warning that failing to do that would lead to the loss of about 11.6m euros allocated for the process. Adopting the legislation is part of Albania's commitments under the Millennium Challenge Corporation Threshold Agreement Programme, which measures performance in three areas -- Ruling Justly, Investing in People, and Encouraging Economic Freedom. The agreement was signed between Tirana and Washington in September 2008. "Failing to adopt it [the law] will close down administrative courts run by the USAID under the Threshold Programme," the embassy said in a statement, asking authorities to complete the procedure by the end this week. Draft legislation was prepared in February 2009 but has stalled in parliament, as opposition lawmakers keep boycotting votes.

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