Wednesday, September 9, 2009


For the first time since 1991 the Greek minority is living a dangerous period, separated politically between government and Albanian opposition

Needs urgent the interference of the Greek political opposition for the situation that is happening inside the Greek community of Albania

Now, everyone not believe that the hopes to build a new formation of leadership for the Greek community in Albania, will bring new moments in Tirana, which actualy controls everything that has to do with political future of hellenism in Albania.

All those actions are configuring just this time when in Greece the early politic elections, are in process, when the government of Berisha, still not known from albanian oposittion is adding efforts to establish a new control in the political leadership of the Greek community in Albania.

I`ts very important to undestant that the division of the greek community by the "foreign factors" should bring new conseguences to the relations between Tirana and Athens, since the Greek Foreign Ministry and the Greek Embassy in Tirana, continue to have total responsibility.

Four years ago the Greek Ambassador in Tirana, Karkabasis was accused from the greek organisations in Albania as "persona non grata" for the flirt policy that he suported the Albanian government against the interest of the Greek Community.

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