Friday, July 1, 2016

Response of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs following the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece about the Himara ethnic incident

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Albania expresses disappointment in noting that neighboring Greece is seeking to instrumentalize improper acts committed yesterday by individuals in Himara, as an attempt to encompass, through them, issues related to the respect for the rights of the Greek minority in Albania.

This case is currently being handled by relevant Albanian authorities. In such context, the response of the Foreign Ministry of Greece constitutes repeated interference in the internal affairs of the Albanian state and is inconsistent with Greece's commitment to foster good neighborly relations.

It is unacceptable to a priori and continuously fuel and legitimize paternalistic claims towards Himara. Both history and the present clearly show that by all means, there is no basis to advertise Himara as a minority area.

Ongoing efforts to instrumentalize any individual or collective dissatisfaction aim at distorting reality and hindering the excellent coexistence between the Albanian population and Greek minority, which enjoys full rights, based on the national legislation as well as on international norms and conventions.

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