by Philip Chrysopoulos - Feb 5, 2015
Newly-elected Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is an enigma to Greek people, the European Union and those who follow politics around the world. The 40-year-old leader of the leftist SYRIZA party has won January’s Greek election promising crisis-stricken Greek people debt relief, an end to austerity and growth through state spending.

After forming Greece’s first left-wing government, Tsipras announced that Greece will renegotiate the country’s 240-biillion-euro bailout program, thereby causing an uproar in international markets and making European leaders nervous over the continent’s economy. Many Greeks fear that he may lead the country out of the Eurozone.

Tsipras is an unconventional leader: he’s an atheist, lives with a partner instead of a wife, refuses to wear a tie. No wonder he became fodder for political cartoonists across the globe:
- See more at: http://greece.greekreporter.com/2015/02/05/greek-pm-tsipras-hero-or-clown-cartoonists-cant-decide/#sthash.nu1oy1mN.dpuf
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