Sunday, March 25, 2012

The development plan of the Himara region, passing by the Municipality Counsil under unanime vote

Nothing is taken into account by the Interest Groups and Civil Society Regardless this Development Plan.

Great success for Albanian National Strategy, and particularly of premier Sali Berisha, who staged geopoliticaly, weakening the influence of Greece, in the Himara region, forcing the provincial politicians in Himara Municipality, to take decisions, in the interest strategic of Tirana.

The Islamic Community of Albania, is preparing to submit a formal request to the Albanian Government and The Municipality of Himara, to build mosques in Dhermi and Himara, in occasion of the New Development Plan. The request will send to the The Territorial Counsil of the Republic of Albania for aprovation.

According to reliable sources, the Property Registration office in Vlora, thought that 1/3 of residents who have actualy certificates of ownership in The Himara region, especially in Dhermi and Yala, are Albanian Islamic religion, mainly from Tirana and Kosovo.

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