Thursday, September 2, 2010

Alex Rondos: regulator of the Greek national issues, bakcs the Prime Minister Papandreou

The role of a number of developments that are either launched or already established in the broader and not only the Southeastern Mediterranean and the Caucasus runs between myth and reality.

A close advisor to Prime Minister George Papandreou's foreign policy was the man who managed to outraged as no Another Theodore Pangalos, and stand cause the resignation in January 2002 by Yiannis Zafiropoulos, former Secretary of State in the Simitis government.

Moreover, at times, Mr. Alex Rondos active in various areas, whether related to the Balkans or the Aegean Sea or Cyprus, Northern Epirus, having a particular position or viewpoint. And this might be something along the way may prove somewhat worrying that Greece and its interests ...

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