Monday, March 1, 2010

Serbian newspaper "Danas": Dayton to Kosovo partition

The Serbian daily "Danas", in an article for Kosovo, writes that during the recent visit of Foreign Minister of Serbia, Vuk Jeremic, in the United States, different addresses in Washington are analyzing the messages that Jeremic has brought from Belgrade.

In this context, the paper writes that the Serbian Foreign Minister, so hard, has insisted that "Serbia will never recognize a unilateral declaration of independence", but behind closed doors, as made out, he has spoken commitment willingness on a compromise and "for each result, which really would be in the interest of peace in the Balkans".

This formulation of camouflage for partition of Kosovo as the final solution - which is still publicly deny both parties - American sources, based on exchange of northern Kosovo and Presevo Valley, through extraterritorial status for the Serbian cult objects.

This variant, writes the daily "Danas", was controversial even at a reception on the occasion of second anniversary of the statehood of Kosovo and the reactions of the first in Washington since 2010 is cited as a possible term limits for a form of the Dayton conference for Kosovo.

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