Albania - Integrated Coastal Zone Management and Clean-Up Project : progress report on the implementation of the management action plan in response to the inspection panel investigation report
Part of Report...
5. The Bank is providing assistance for an independently observed case-by-case
review before the Albanian Judiciary of the Requesters' claims that they were harmed as
a result of the April 2007 demolitions and that they should be compensated as a result of
those demolitions. In addition, a Social and Vulnerability Assessment has begun, which
includes the development of criteria and procedures for assisting people who may lose
their primary residence or main source of livelihood due to demolition. The resulting
assistance package will be applied retroactively to poor and/or vulnerable affected by the
April 2007 demolitions. The following provides details on the progress of specific
Agreement with Government concerning the case-by-case Judicial Review
6. An Agreement confirming the Government of Albania's assent to an
independently monitored case-by-case judicial review was signed by the Minister of
Finance on April 16, 2009. The Agreement affirms the Government's consent to World
Bank payment of the Requesters' legal fees and the hiring of an Independent Observer
who will report on a confidential basis to Management. The Government also commits to
making good faith efforts to ensure that the process is expeditious, while respecting the
independence of the judiciary, and to comply with any judgment resulting from the
Funding Legal Representation for the Requesters
7. Basic approach. Management has worked to put in place an appropriate
mechanism to assist the Requesters through funding their legal expenses. A guiding
principle has been that the Bank should not be engaged in the process of selecting,
contracting or briefing the lawyers, to avoid any perception of Bank involvement in the
lawsuits or in the attorney-client relationship. Hence, Bank support is in the form of
financing contracts between the Requesters and lawyers that they have selected
8. Ongoing communication with Requesters. The World Bank Office in Tirana has
been in regular communication with the Requesters since the February 17, 2009 Board
meeting. Meetings were held on February 26 in Tirana to brief the Requesters on the
outcome of the Board meeting, and on March 11 in Vlore and April 14 in Jale to discuss
arrangements for Bank support through financing costs of the case-by-case review. In
addition, there has been frequent communication between individual Requesters and the
2These guidance materials are posted on the World Bank Safeguards Website....
5. The Bank is providing assistance for an independently observed case-by-case
review before the Albanian Judiciary of the Requesters' claims that they were harmed as
a result of the April 2007 demolitions and that they should be compensated as a result of
those demolitions. In addition, a Social and Vulnerability Assessment has begun, which
includes the development of criteria and procedures for assisting people who may lose
their primary residence or main source of livelihood due to demolition. The resulting
assistance package will be applied retroactively to poor and/or vulnerable affected by the
April 2007 demolitions. The following provides details on the progress of specific
Agreement with Government concerning the case-by-case Judicial Review
6. An Agreement confirming the Government of Albania's assent to an
independently monitored case-by-case judicial review was signed by the Minister of
Finance on April 16, 2009. The Agreement affirms the Government's consent to World
Bank payment of the Requesters' legal fees and the hiring of an Independent Observer
who will report on a confidential basis to Management. The Government also commits to
making good faith efforts to ensure that the process is expeditious, while respecting the
independence of the judiciary, and to comply with any judgment resulting from the
Funding Legal Representation for the Requesters
7. Basic approach. Management has worked to put in place an appropriate
mechanism to assist the Requesters through funding their legal expenses. A guiding
principle has been that the Bank should not be engaged in the process of selecting,
contracting or briefing the lawyers, to avoid any perception of Bank involvement in the
lawsuits or in the attorney-client relationship. Hence, Bank support is in the form of
financing contracts between the Requesters and lawyers that they have selected
8. Ongoing communication with Requesters. The World Bank Office in Tirana has
been in regular communication with the Requesters since the February 17, 2009 Board
meeting. Meetings were held on February 26 in Tirana to brief the Requesters on the
outcome of the Board meeting, and on March 11 in Vlore and April 14 in Jale to discuss
arrangements for Bank support through financing costs of the case-by-case review. In
addition, there has been frequent communication between individual Requesters and the
2These guidance materials are posted on the World Bank Safeguards Website....
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