Concentration on the property and developments in Himara Region.
Monday, 13 October 2008
The Union of Himara held Sunday, organized October 12 a meeting for the property issue and the latest developments in Himara Region. The debate opened with a review conducted by the mayor of Himara Municipalityand the chairman of "OMONOIAS" Vassilis Bolanos, for matters relating Himara and the Northern Epirus in general.
George Dimogiannis, chairman of the Union of Himara Achaia and islands, documented through short historic laws of Himarras, sent a request for harmony among himariotes and expressed the need for cooperation and action by all actors in order to return the rights and development our region.
For his part Mr Dionysis - Frentis Beleris, chairman of the Himara Union, developed the Union's position regarding an issue which is none other than the return of land to real owners. In his speech, Mr Bolanos told to developments on the property and actions it has advanced the city and other important issues such as infrastructure projects which are underway and others that will begin in the near future.
more see: http://www.himaraunion.com/
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