Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Photo: The newspaper "Pamorama" about Labova`s vandalism.
Argirokaster, January 7, 2008

The Byzantine Church of Labovas (Argirokastro Region) has been stolen by unknown persons. The vandals have stolen 18 old icons of Byzantine period and funds of the church.

The Byzantine Church of Labovas is known in Argirokaster as important center of orthodoxy of the region, serving to the Greek community. Labovas is the village of Zapas the Great Benefactor of Hellenic Culture.
Photo: The Labova`s church

According to Orthodox Church, during 2007 period over 100 Orthodox Church are violated or destroyed lot of them are Byzantine. One month ago, the Byzantine Church of San. Pandelimonas of Drimades in Himara Regiom, destructed by explosion material, considered as a terrorist act against community and orthodoxy.

During the summer 2007 many Archeological and Byzantine centers in Southern Albania has been under attacks of vandals, making fires such are Apollonias and Buthrintos the oldest Hellenic centers of the region.

Is a paradox for Albanian State when is preparing to advertising on CNN this year claiming the oldest values of Albania beginning from Apollonia, Buthrintos, Byllis, Antigonea, Berat, Argirokastro, Orikum all the part of Hellenic heritage of Northern Epirus, to Byzantine churches which continue to violate with out limit.

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