"Red Alarm" for the Greek FM and other security authorities including foreign intelligences in Albania.
Strong meassures takeen by the Foreign Greek Ministry moves to the extreme elements in Southern Albania, on the «targeting» to the Chairman of «Omonoias» (The Greek Ethnic Minority of Albania) Vassilis Bollanos, reported sources from Greek Security authorities underliandenig informations by Albanian Masmedia in which member of albanian parliament are preparing to hold an extremist meeting in Himara, the Municipality when Vassilis Bolanos is Mayor of the Region.

"Greece is preocuped to monitor what is happening in Albania, in connection with the Party of the Greek national minority and its chairman, Vassilis Bolano", said for Zougla.gr a partner of Greek Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis, who wished to remain anonymous. In recent days, President of «Omonoias» accepts direct threats to his life, according to secure information zougla.gr, planned to rally against Himara people in the presence of parliamentarians and Albanians ... «charging» Albanian extremist citizens, which will be transferred to Himara by bus from Tepeleni.
The interest in this case, is that serious Albanian politicians are concerned about the actions against the Greek minority. The concern relates, in fact, in the same continued even after 'obstacles, the process for future integration of Albania into the EU In this climate, known Albanian politician in a recent in private conversation with Western diplomats in Tirana, expressed his concern for the activity of extreme nationalist circles in Himara Region, not excluding even the possibility of provocation by some violence.

Athens «Red Alarme» for the defense the greek minority.
The memorandum of «Omonia» Standing Committee on National Defense and Foreign Affairs of the Greek Parliament, which sought to ratify the Stabilization and Association Agreement between Albania and the European Union, where the neighborhood country must respect the rights of the Greek minority, based from international treaties and conventions. «Albania if it wants to integrate into the EU should understand the obligation it has towards minorities and specifically against the Greek national minority », said the chairman of «Omonoias », reiterating its full support to the European perspective of the country.
Albanian newspapers accuse the president of «Omonoias» for ... «separatist» and enemy of Albania. Feature is the front page of «Gazeta Shqiptare» to «see» request for autonomy in Northern Epirus, as requests Bolanos recognition of Northern Epirus», the title of the publication.
In addition some popular Albanian face book created exclusively to urging to kill Bollano, the chairman of the «Omonoias» and mayor of Himara seeking the head of Bolanou «on the table» The «head on the table» of the President of «Omonoias», requested member of the Albanian parliament, MPs of all parties, following the statements of Prime Minister Sali Berisha, who described «extremists» the "Omonia".
Some Members asked directly to be prosecuted Vassilis Bolanou and dismissed from the post of mayor Himara. Others, undertones to be accused under process penal as enemy of Albania.
"For Bolanos is obligation to anyone Albanian who wants, to target hem. If the state does not take action against Bollanos, who has no link with the history and our state, citizens should be put into place", said Spartak Ngjela MP.
MP of Vlora Bujar Leskaj from the Democratic Party of Prime Minister Sali Berisha, called «dirt» the chairman of «Omonoias», which seeks to disrupt the «friendly» relations between Greece and Albania. «My personal view is that is a dirt, remnant of the past, the Greek extremist nationalist circles, who finds no ground in Albania, in this climate of very good friendly relations», he said.
For its part, Members of the Christian Democratic Party, Frrok Gjini, once characterized Himara as a «symbol of Albanian resistance» made known to be held protest demonstration in front of the town hall of Himara against Chairman Vassilis Bollanos.
The President of the «KEAD» Vangjelis Doules turned against the Albanian media, which, as noted, «misinforms the public» in the way they presented and continue to present its defense of «Omonoias» to the Greek parliament. «The pressures and threats of Vassilis Bolanou, is expected to peak as we approach the municipal elections said Doule.
The Greek FM and security authorities including the foreign intelligences NATO and Europol that are installed in Albania are observing any escalation against the Greek minority taking in consideration the "Red Alarm" of ethnic confrontation in Southern Albania
The "zougla.gr" contacted the Ambassador of Albania in Athens, Mr. Vili Minaroli, who calls the albanian authorities imediately to take in high consideration the threats to his life against the president of "Omonia" Mr. Bolanos, claiming that enjoys the protection of the Albanian state.
Replying to a question whether the violation of human rights in his country Albania, might be an obstacle towards accession of Albania into the European Union or other international organizations, Mr. Vili said he sees not an obstacle, indeed, recalled that the Greek Government and Tirana are goof relations in this process.
See: Albanian media TV appeals to "condemn Bollano"...