Thursday, September 14, 2017

"Thaci needs to wake up; Serbia will never recognize Kosovo"

First Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic says it is "high time" for Kosovo President Hashim Thaci to wake up from his "mirage," Tanjug has reported.

(Tanjug, file)
(Tanjug, file)
The Serbian official reiterated that his country will never recognize the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo.

This proclamation was made in early 2008 by ethnic Albanians living in Serbia's southern provice - but Belgrade considers it a violation of the country's Constitution, and its territorial integrity and sovereignty.

According to Dacic, who spoke on Thursday, Thaci "obviously lives in some dream all of his own, a parallel world."

"Serbia will never recognize the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo, it is time for Thaci to wake up from his mirage, because only dialogue and compromise can lead to a lasting solution. Ultimatums and deception will not work," Dacic said, according to a statement issued by Serbia's Foreign Ministry.

Earlier on Thursday, media reported that Thaci told Voice of America's Albanian language service - when asked whether he would "insist on Belgrade recognizing Kosovo's independence, or if it will merely be an agreement on normalization of relations":

"We will work on full normalization of relations and peace between our two peoples, because that is in the interest of Kosovo, Serbia, and the region."

"We will work hard for Kosovo to become a UN member. However, as far as recognition goes, that will happen in the near future and Serb institutions will decide on that. We cannot impose time-frames or their own agenda regarding the recognition of Kosovo, but one thing is certain - Kosovo and Serbia, who are now 'status quo', must facilitate their Euro-Atlantic integration and European perspective for themselves and not make it harder for each other," he has been quoted as saying.

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