Thursday, September 14, 2017

Himara Region, an Important European Issue


Fighting systematically for the human right against the Albanian government assimilisation strategy, Himara gains sympathy throughout Europe, and will be shielded for its historical rights

The Himara issue, towards the European solution, foresees the permanent establishment of a Task Force office, from the EU OSCE, to guarantee territorial protection, from the ethnic cleansing scheme of the oligarchic mafia plans of Albania.

For nearly two years, Himara is confronted with the strategy of the Albanian government to robbed territories and properties, which have been exploited by Albanian oligarchs, linked to the interests of the politicians of Tirana.

This process has been particularly exploited by Greece, for which there is a high potential risk through the application of these development plans to eliminate the population of the Greek community throughout the Himara region.

As a consequence of the Athens reaction, Albania risks VETO to join the EU, as Tirana does not undertake any initiative to stop Ethnic Cleansing in Himara Region.

The statements of the Greek Foreign and Defense Ministers, as well as the Greek Opposition, have targeted the Prime Minister Rama, who is chiefly responsible for the situation created in Himara Region, but did not miss the reactions from Washington and Brussels.

Greece has approved the entry of Albania in NATO and has negotiated with the EU, but has not sought as a reward neither the Autonomy of the Republic of Northern Epirus nor of Himara, since it thought that the course of Albania towards the Euro-Atlantic institutions would be positive, but the opposite is happening, the Albanian government is assimilating the territory of the Greeks in Southern Albania and finally in Himara Region. .

Meanwhile, it is expected in Himara these days to visit a group of EU, OSCE and USA diplomats requested by Greece, while the Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama himself has asked to meet with a representative of the Greek Community of Himara.

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