Friday, October 28, 2016

Berisha urges Greece just in OXI Day to recognize Kosovo

Berisha receives the Ambassador of Greece in Tirana, seeking recognition of Kosovo

Former Prime Minister Sali Berisha had a meeting the Ambassador of Greece in Tirana, Eleni Sourani. The meeting was held in the office of former Prime Minister, and discussed relations between the two countries.

Former Prime Minister Sali Berisha on his profile on Facebook, writes that he asked Greece to recognize Kosovo as a state.

(However, when Berisha was prime minister in 2012, he has made a strong statement from Vlora, during the feast for the 100th anniversary of Albania. He said that Albania's borders, starting from Preveza and end up in Presevo. Greece reacted tomorrow reversing visit of the Minister of Defence in Tirana ..)

Albania's position for Chameria

According to PM Tahir Muhedini, the chams count actually about 360 thousand people, about of 12% of the Albanian Popullation (according to UNRA in Albania has been came from Greece 18 thousand people of Chams in 1944).

Albanian government, through the National Strategy of Albania, including all political parties, has included Chameria as national issues, raising as territorial claims (ownership and nationals) in the European Union.

While the Albanian government systematically requires that Greece should recognize Kosovo as an independent state.

Referrals come step by step by Tirana, when the Protocol of friendship between Albania and Greece, has expired.

European Union (part of which is the Veto of Greece to Albania), it is standing on the side of Albania totally, ignoring the rights of self-determination of the population of Northen Epirotes.

(According to the State Departament and CIA in 1989, the Greek population in Albania was 285 thousand people. According to Pan Epirotic Federation of USA in 1989, the population of Northern Epirotes was 400 thousand. Actually there are about 760 thousand Northern Epiriotes with Greek Nationality, who live between Greece and Southern Albania).

Meanwhile, Greece is waiting for a plan B, for national issues ..

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