Saturday, October 29, 2016

Albanian government provokes Greece: 30 houses of Greeks in Himara, will be demolished

The Inspectorate of Territory, INUK, a Department with police state and bulldozers, is part of the Party of Chams, PDIU, which is in Coalition Government, with the Socialist Party of Prime Minister Edi Rama, will carry out the demolition of houses that belong to the Greeks, in Himara Region.

The Mayor of the Municipality George Goro, which has dual citizenship, Greek - Albanian, has signed the demolition of houses hundreds of years in Himara.

The Himara Community, during a meeting in August, warned President Bujar Nishani, that the Albanian Government, under the initiatives to demolish the houses in Himara Region, aims to commit genocide against the native inhabitants.

Himara. Almost every week, continuing protests in Himara Town, forcing the Mayor George Goro to be resigned, the Albanian government has decided to initiate the action of demolition of houses in Himara, mainly of the ethnic Greeks that live for thousands of years in theirs properties.The reason of the Albanian government, is a credit to Development Plan, financed by the European Bank of the Council of Europe, which aims political, to exercise the genocide against the Greek population by masked Development Plans of tourism in favor or the Albanian mafia and oligarchs .

But by the leaders of organizations that are leading the protests, Albanian politicians, especially the Albanian government, are seeing an expansion geopolitical dangerous, to create a climate of tension in the Balkan Region, primarily with its neighbors in north and south, in this case, Serbia and Greece.

The tension in Himare,has not intended development plans, but the resettlement of Greek population of Himara, and its replacement with the Albanian population, a practice known for Albanian national strategy in the District of Saranda.

The Himara Community, during a meeting in August, warned President Bujar Nishani, that the Albanian Government, under the initiatives to demolish the houses in Himara Region, aims to commit genocide against the native inhabitants.

This strategy becomes even stronger still, while Greece has warned Albania, for Veto to the EU, to prevent irredentist policies, supporting the Albanian nationalist ideas of the Cham Community. This will be, apparently, a strategy with geopolitical dimensions of Tirana against Greece, to create the premises of an ethnic clash and create scenarios for charging Greece for "supporting extremists in Himara"

..Whatever the situations arise and the Himariotes leaders, have informed during their meetings, the USA and Greek the governments, while they have called Himariotes in Diaspora and migration, to return and protect their homes by Albanian genocide.

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