Thursday, August 11, 2016

Wikileaks Outs George Soros Email to Hillary Clinton Directing US State Department's 2011 Intervention in Albania

August 11th, 2016

Wikileaks Outs George Soros Email to Hillary Clinton Directing US State Department's 2011 Intervention in Albania

Posted by: Barry
Published on August 11th, 2016 @ 07:51:00 pm , using 1024 words,

An email from George Soros to SecState Hillary Clinton, from 2011,  seems to prove the contention that Hillary Clinton is nothing more than a globalist puppet of foreign interventionists...

CRN Politics
By Barry Secrest

Wikileaks has released a telling 2011 email from Globalist George Soros directing Secretary of State, at the time, Hillary Clinton, to stage an intervention in Albania due to violence between the Albanian government and riotous protestors.

In 2011 and at the time of the upheaval in Albania, the Albanian government was in the process of soliciting the EU for membership status in the Eurozone, which has been an ongoing project for George Soros in the establishment of his global New World Order.
In effect, the rioting and protests in the streets of Albania were not beneficial to Soros' goal of building the EU consortium across Europe, especially with predominantly Islamist nations, such as Albania.
In the letter, Soros, who has funded millions towards Clinton's campaign, stated the following, as published in the American Mirror:
 “Dear Hillary, 
“A serious situation has arisen in Albania which needs urgent attention at senior levels of the US government. You may know that an opposition demonstration in Tirana on Friday resulted in the deaths of three people and the destruction of property. 
“There are serious concerns about further unrest connected to a counter-demonstration to be organized by the governing party on Wednesday and a follow-up event by the opposition two days later to memorialize the victims. 
“The prospect of tens of thousands of people entering the streets in an already inflamed political environment bodes ill for the return of public order and the country’s fragile democratic process.”
Soros urges the then-Secretary of State to get the international community involved and pressure the Prime Minister to “forestall further demonstrations” and “tone down public pronouncements” as well appointing a senior European official to act as the mediator.
The left-wing billionaire also gave Clinton a list of potential nominees to appoint as mediator: Carl Bildt, Martti Ahtisaari, and Miroslav Lajcak.
The e-mail was sent from Soros’ aide to Richard Verma, then the Assistant Secretary of State for Legislative Affairs who forwarded it to several of Clinton’s top aides including Huma Abedin, Jacob Sullivan, and Philip Gordon. Sullivan forwarded it to Clinton.
Just three days after Clinton received the e-mail from Soros the EU ended up sending Soros’ suggested nominee Lajcak to mediate the civil unrest, the BBC reported."
But, while Soros seemed interested enough to quell the unrest in Albania, and return social order by intervening via protege' Hillary Clinton and her US State Department, Soros was simultaneously setting the table tor social unrest in the US, to eventually achieve the exact opposite effect he was seeking in Albania.

According to the Washington Times, Soros, who is Hillary Clinton's founding donor, in addition to Barack Obama, actually helped financed the deadly Ferguson protests which turned into riots:
"There’s a solitary man at the financial center of the Ferguson protest movement. No, it’s not victim Michael Brown or Officer Darren Wilson. It’s not even the Rev. Al Sharpton, despite his ubiquitous campaign on TV and the streets.
Rather, it’s liberal billionaire George Soros, who has built a business empire that dominates across the ocean in Europe while forging a political machine powered by nonprofit foundations that impacts American politics and policy, not unlike what he did with
Mr. Soros spurred the Ferguson protest movement through years of funding and mobilizing groups across the U.S., according to interviews with key players and financial records reviewed by The Washington Times.
In all, Mr. Soros gave at least $33 million in one year to support already-established groups that emboldened the grass-roots, on-the-ground activists in Ferguson, according to the most recent tax filings of his nonprofit Open Society Foundations."
Soros, pushing hard for his US candidate, Hillary Clinton,  to win in 2016,  more recently funded a series of ongoing US protests, with some turning violent, against Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. 

George Soros donates $8 million to boost Hillary - POLITICO

According to the New York Times, Soros is funding as much as $ 15 Million dollars in order to spark an immigrant and Latino uprising against the US anti-establishment political movement, in the US, as led by Donald Trump:
"The billionaire George Soros and other liberal donors will bankroll a new $15 million campaign to mobilize Latinos and other immigrants this fall, hoping to channel outrage at the political rhetoric of Donald J. Trump and other Republicans into a surge of votes for Democratic candidates in November. 
Strategists involved said the new spending would be the largest Democratic voter-turnout effort ever devoted exclusively to Latino and immigrant voters."
As news spread far and wide in the US, of Hillary Clinton supporter George Soros' involvement in the US protests, some of which eventually turned into riots and one Black Lives Matter protest even resulting in the mass deaths of police officers, in Texas, Soros has,  at least for a time, quelled his riotous protest activities, which some legal experts have contended as being nothing if not, sedition. 
Moreover, many political experts have simultaneously likened the actions of Hillary Clinton to being as those of one under the control of a puppet master, and the Wikileaks letter from Soros to Clinton seems to have now proven the political opposition's contentions.
Their characterizations of Hillary Clinton as being under the direction of anti-American George Soros, and many others across the globe who have donated lavishly to Clinton, seem to have now been well beyond proved.

According to Donald Trump, Clinton resides deeply in the pockets of foreign interventionists into America. 
In a speech delivered on 6/22/16 ,on Hillary Clinton and her global handlers, in part, Trump stated the following:
"She ran the State Department like her own personal hedge fund – doing favors for oppressive regimes, and many others, in exchange for cash. 
Together, she and Bill made $153 million giving speeches to lobbyists, CEOs, and foreign governments in the years since 2001.
 They totally own her, and that will never change. 
We got here because we switched from a policy of Americanism – focusing on what’s good for America’s middle class – to a policy of globalism, focusing on how to make money for large corporations who can move their wealth and workers to foreign countries all to the detriment of the American worker and the American economy. 
We reward companies for offshoring, and we punish companies for doing business in America and keeping our workers employed. 
This is not a rising tide that lifts all boats. 
This is a wave of globalization that wipes out our middle class and our jobs."
Once again, it seems, Donald Trump has been proven correct.

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