Monday, August 15, 2016


Spile, Himare, August 15, 2016.

Organised by the following political and civil association of Himare:


This resolution is signed by the people of Himare, in free will, and directed to:

The Albanian Government and the Prime Minister Edi Rama

Diplomatic representatives in Albania of:

United States of America,

European Union / European Council

OSCE Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe,


The situation in the region of Himara the last 25 years, regarding property rights, is worsening because of of the actions and the arbitrariness of the Albanian government which is encouraging people with political and economical powers, members of organised crime groups and the mafia to systematically trespassing and stilling the properties of the people of Himara.

The parliament, the government, the justice system, the public administration and the media are been used to wipe out Himara and its history and implement assimilation policies which are favored by the new legal framework and decisions of the Albanian government which are resulting in violation of basic human rights and freedoms,  violating the Albanian Constitution.

The people of Himara demand:

1. The immediate cancellation of all urban planning initiative, project or development plan, expropriation of private land, donation of community land to any domestic or foreign pseudo-investor that the Albanian government is planning and implementing in our region until a proper and guarantied fare property registration of private and community owned land and real estate properties is fully completed in the whole region of Himara.

2. Abolition of the destructive 7501 law "For the farming land" which has resulted in taking away the ownership of farming land from its real owners and in the destruction of thousands of olive trees and in the construction of abusive buildings based on fraud ownership titles, which is also helped by the lack of a general property registration process and the ban of registration of properties which were returned to its legal inheritors through court decisions and the process of returning confiscated properties.

3. We call on international and Euro-Atlantic partners to urge pressure on the Albanian legislative and administrative institutions to cancel all unconstitutional laws and government decisions which violate basic human rights starting from the new administrative reform, the new property compensation law and the new law "For tourism".

4. We demand the final return of all community properties and those belonging to the Christian Orthodox Church in Himara, which the government should return and respect. Also the return of properties which use to belong to the army and properties belonging to the municipality.

5. We request the immediate halt of the construction of resorts and so called "touristic villages", until after the Albanian government has transparently proved to the people of Himare the legality of the ownership titles based on which those permissions were given.

6. We call on your representatives in Albania, to push towards the implementation of the new "decriminalization process" and "justice reform" as soon as possible including in the region of Himara where massive fraud and property theft has taken place from members of the Albanian mafia, organized crime connected with politicians, oligarchs and people close to the administrative and justice institutions, under the umbrella of the so called "plans for development of tourism".

With trust in GOD and respect towards the Albanian Constitution, the people of Himara express through this RESOLUTION, their free will and expectations, hoping to get your support and understanding in the difficult process of protecting our basic human rights and the implementation of the rule of law and justice in the region of Himare and throughout Albania.


Signed by all the free autochthon people of Himara

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