Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tsipras readies cabinet after vote triumph

First entry: 22 September 2015 - 15:38 Athens, 12:38 GMT
Last update: 15:38 Athens, 12:38 GMTPolitics
Tsipras readies cabinet after vote triumph
Newly re-elected Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras worked Tuesday on the makeup of a coalition cabinet to steer unpopular economic reforms as he urged Europe's help with the thousands of migrants landing daily on Greek shores.
Sworn into office Monday a day after his re-election victory and moving swiftly to kick off a slew of controversial economic reforms, Tsipras "will probably announce the makeup of the government on Wednesday morning," government spokesman Rodolphos Moronis told AFP.
Outgoing interior minister Nikos Voutsis had said late Monday that the new government, expected to be a carbon copy of Tsipras' outgoing team, could be unveiled as early as late Tuesday.
The charismatic young premier, who romped to victory despite a much-maligned cash-for-reforms deal in July with Greece's international creditors, has vowed to have the government up and running before he joins EU leaders for talks on the migrant crisis in Brussels on Wednesday.
 Analysts expect to see finance in the hands of Euclid Tsakalotos, who took over the portfolio in July after the resignation of Yanis Varoufakis and who is believed to have won the esteem of his EU peers during negotiations leading up July's 86 million euro ($97 billion) rescue of Greece, its third in five years.
Implementation of the cash-for-reforms package, which will affect everything from the sale of a loaf of bread to a visit to the doctor, will likely be in the hands of Georges Houliarakis, also involved in the negotiations with the EU, while Georges Stathakis is expected to get the economy portfolio again.
The new government is also likely to see Tsipras return the defence portfolio to his "odd couple" partner in the coalition, Panos Kammenos, leader of the nationalist Independent Greeks (ANEL) party.
EU partners have wasted no time in reminding Athens to get down to work on the reforms set out in the rescue package, with European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker bluntly saying: "There's a lot of work ahead and no time to lose."
by Claire Rosemberg and Catherine Boitard, AFP

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