Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Belgrade sets deadline for EU "to react" to Croatia's move

Aleksandar Vucic said on Tuesday morning Serbia will react to Croatia's shutting down of the border for Serbian trucks "unless the EU reacts by 14:00 (CET)."
Source: Tanjug
(Tanjug, file)
(Tanjug, file)
"We are waiting for the EU to react by 14:00 hours, and then Serbia will react calmly, without violating regulations, but will show that Croatia cannot be taking it out on Serbia and humiliating it, and destroying Serbia's economy without consequences," the prime minister stressed.
He then described the neighboring country's decision as "a scandal of incredible proportions."

Also on Tuesday, Croatian Interior Minister Ranko Ostojic accused Serbia of "sending refugees to Croatia instead of to Hungary in an organized manner," and added his country was ready to completely shut down the Bajakovo-Batrovci border crossing with Serbia - "if necessary."

Croatian authorities continue to block entrance of freight vehicles from Serbia over this crossing. A 15-kilometer long line of trucks has formed on the Serbian side of the border as a consequence.

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