Friday, March 20, 2015

NATO Secretary General discusses relations with Russia at Brussels Forum

  • 20 Mar. 2015
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  • Last updated: 20 Mar. 2015 18:00
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg called on Russia to stop destabilizing its neighbours and respect international rules at the tenth annual Brussels Forum conference on Friday (20 March 2015). In the face of Russia’s aggressive actions, Mr. Stoltenberg underlined that NATO is responding by strengthening its collective defence and supporting regional partners – including Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova.
The Secretary General participated in a panel entitled “Zero-Sum? Russia, Power Politics, and the post-Cold War Era”. His co-panellists were EU High Representative Federica Mogherini; US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland; and Konstantin Kosachev, Chairman of Russia’s Federation Council Committee on International Affairs. The moderator was David Ignatius, associate editor of The Washington Post.
Organised by the German Marshall Fund of the United States, the Brussels Forum brings together political, economic and intellectual leaders from Europe and North America to discuss key challenges facing the Euro-Atlantic area.

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