Thursday, March 19, 2015

Dnevnik, Macedonia: DUI, DPA don’t wish number of Albanians not living in Macedonia to be known

19 March 2015 | 09:17 | FOCUS News Agency
Dnevnik, Macedonia: DUI, DPA don’t wish number of Albanians not living in Macedonia to be knownPicture: Дневник, Македония
Skopje. Declining to back the amendments to identity cards legislation, the Albanian parties in Macedonia want to conceal the number of Albanians living abroad, Macedonian Dnevnik daily writes.
The news edition says countries in the region sanction differently not having an address registration on the part of citizens living abroad – from suspending the address registration to fines. But the authorities everywhere insist citizens provide accurate information about their place of living so that identity papers are issued on the basis of this. The problems arose after the ruling Albanian party Democratic Union for Integration (DUI) said it would not back the amendments as they were anti-Albanian. For them the fact every citizen can have his or her address registration suspended after not registering as a person living abroad is controversial. Dnevnik also says the Democratic Party of Albanians (DPA) also finds the amendments unacceptable.

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