Tuesday, February 24, 2015

General Breedlove visits KFOR

20 Feb 2015

MONS, Belgium - The Supreme Allied Commander Europe, General Philip M. Breedlove, visited with troops and received an operational update at the Kosovo Forces Headquarters, on Thursday, 19 February 2015.
General Breedlove thanked the troops for their commitment to the KFOR mission, providing security and stability to the region, which has allowed the time and space needed for diplomatic progress.  After his remarks, he answered questions from the Soldiers.
"Thanks for being here but more importantly, thank you for what you are doing here on this base and in this country,” said General Breedlove.  "You all have been here during some pretty challenging times, with the recent riots and you accomplished your mission - you were a huge part in making sure this went well and the result was good.”    
The Supreme Allied Commander Europe, General Philip M. Breedlove, spent the day at Kosovo Forces Headquarters, on Thursday, 19 February 2015 - Photo courtesy of SFC DEU A Stefan Hass -SHAPE Public Affairs Office
Later in the day, General Breedlove, along with Adm. Mark Ferguson, Commander Joint Forces Command - Naples participated in several briefings and discussions with Maj. Gen. Francesco Paolo Figliuolo, Commander KFOR and other key leaders to discuss the status of NATO’s mission in Kosovo.  
General Breedlove reassured leaders that "as Kosovo steps forward and embraces its own future, NATO will remain committed to doing its part to contribute to stability here.” 
NATO has been leading a peace support operation in Kosovo since June 1999 in support of wider international efforts to build peace and stability in the area.  Today, more than 4,000 troops provided by NATO and KFOR partners continue to contribute to maintaining a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all Kosovo citizens – firmly, fairly and impartially. 
Throughout Kosovo, KFOR is cooperating with and assisting the UN, the EU and other international actors, as appropriate, to support the development of a stable, democratic, multi-ethnic and peaceful Kosovo.
Story by SHAPE Public Affairs Office

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