Tuesday, February 24, 2015

EU Commission ‘Satisfied’ with Greece’s Reforms List


by A. Makris - Feb 24, 2015

Greek_flag_EUThe EU considers the list of reforms submitted by Greece to be “sufficient” and satisfactory, sources say.
This comes shortly after the Commission reported it had received Greece’s reform “on time.”

During the weekend, the Greek authorities had a constructive exchange of views with the representatives of the European Commission and other institutions, European Commission’s sources said.

A EU insider has described the list as “a good basis for a successful end of the inspection,” according to Der Spiegel magazine.

International lenders and Eurogroup finance ministers are to have a say on the reform proposals later on Tuesday.

Greece was to deliver a list by Monday, but announced it would need a 24-hour delay. Its proposals are essential to an extension of its bailout program agreed last Friday.

- See more at: http://greece.greekreporter.com/2015/02/24/eu-commission-satisfied-with-greeces-reforms-list/#sthash.BesMYuvE.dpuf

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