Monday, January 26, 2015

White House pledges to 'work closely' with Greece’s new government

First entry: 26 January 2015

White House pledges to 'work closely' with Greece’s new governmentWhite House pledges to 'work closely' with Greece’s new government

The White House said on Monday it hoped to work closely with the Greek new government after the Syriza party stormed to power on an anti-austerity platform, AFP reports.

"We congratulate Greece on successfully completing its parliamentary elections and we look forward to working closely with its next government," Mark Stroh, a spokesman for the White House's National Security Council, told AFP in New Delhi during a visit by US President Barack Obama.

The comments come after Syriza routed the New Democracy party in Sunday's poll, putting Greece on a collision course with European and international creditors.

After his victory, Syriza leader Alexis Tsipras repeated his campaign pledge to renegotiate the terms of Greece's 240-billion-euro  bailout with the European Union and the International Monetary Fund.

Sources: AFP, Focus News Agency

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