Monday, January 26, 2015

European leaders congratulate Syriza's Tsipras on his electoral victory

First entry: 26 January 2015

European leaders congratulate Syriza's Tsipras on his electoral victory
Congratulations to Syriza leader Alexis Tsipras for winning the Greek national elections on Sunday started pouring in late on Sunday, with European politicians’ messages.

French President Francois Hollande pledged to work with Tsipras to achieve growth and stability in the Eurozone.

European Parliament President Martin Schulz called Syriza's victory in the elections “a historic victory, a huge success," sources in Syriza. They said that Schulz, who will visit Athens after the new government is sworn in, also assured Tsipras that he would do whatever was in his power to help a "mutually acceptable, viable solution" to be found, apparently referring to Greece's negotiations with its creditors.

Austrian Chancellor and leader of the country’s Social Democrats Werner Faymann said he will cooperate constructively with the new government which will be formed in Greece and added he is convinced that in the European Union there will have to be a common base in the fight against unemployment and poverty.

Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi will meet Tsipras at the first European Union summit, Italian government sources said.

Renzi’s aides also said that Italian newspaper “Il Messaggero” on Sunday published a short discussion with the winner of the Greek elections. In this discussion, Tsipras said he did not know Renzi in person but their staffs were already in contact.

The Spanish party Podemos welcomed the victory of Syriza in the national elections while expressing the hope that Spain will follow the example of Greece in the upcoming elections.

Greece sent a clear message to the EU to end austerity and the troika of dictations, the president of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament Gianni Pittella said.

Messages were also conveyed in person or sent by German politicians like Bodo Ramelow, prime minister of the Free State of Thuringia and Angelika Niebler, head of the European Parliament's CSU Group and by French-Greek film director and producer Costa-Gavras.


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