Sunday, May 5, 2013

“We want agreement with representatives of Kosovo Serbs”


ZUCE, BELGRADE -- Serbia wants to implement the Brussels agreement in agreement with legitimate representatives of Kosovo Serbs, First Deputy PM Aleksandar Vučić says.

Aleksandar Vučić is seen during the visit to the 250th Air Defense Missile Brigade (Tanjug)

Aleksandar Vučić is seen during the visit to the 250th Air Defense Missile Brigade (Tanjug)
According to him, Serbia has numerous mechanisms for the implementation of the agreement but wants to do it in the agreement with legitimate representatives of Serbs in the southern province.

“The state does not want to demonstrate either force or power, not because it is not strong, on the contrary, because it is strong and because those running the country are much more powerful than those who stand up to them. That is why we are extending our hand and want to talk instead of forcing anyone and saying difficult, ugly words like some do,” Vučić said after a visit to the 250th Air Defense Missile Brigade in the village of Zuce near Belgrade.
He noted that all those who claimed they could solve the Kosovo issue in a better way would accept much worse agreements.

“We will talk to Serbs south of the Ibar River as well,” the first deputy PM said and explained that there was an issue of legality and legitimacy because there were even three or four different leaderships in some municipalities.

“My intention is primarily to visit northern Kosovo and Metohija but also many places south of the Ibar River. I want to talk to our people, I am going down there because of our people, proud of the way we have fought for our country and interests of our people,” Vučić concluded.

Vučić stated that he would most likely visit Kosovo on May 12, after meeting for the third time with representatives of northern Kosovo Serbs in Belgrade on May 7.

According to him, Serbia needs to show it is ready to move forward by June 28, so these meetings will be aimed at reaching an agreement.

He told Belgrade-based Pink TV that he would address the people in northern Kosovo and those south of the Ibar River.

"We cannot manage without them, nor they without us. Our wish is to talk and reach a deal on the implementation of the agreement (reached with Priština in Brussels),” said Vučić.

The deputy PM confirmed Serbia would not get a date for starting accession talks with the EU if it did not begin implementation of the Brussels agreement by June 28.

He said he understood the opposition from Kosovo Serbs, but not their attempt to change the political map of Serbia without showing understanding for the larger portion of the country and its problems.

Vučić sees their refusal to come to an agreement as buying time until someone from the West says: “Since nothing has been implemented, you will not get the date.”

He says implementation will be difficult, particularly because some in Brussels and Priština want to add to the agreement everything that was not agreed upon.

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