Sunday, May 5, 2013

Albanomania politic elections

Doubled names at the electors' list

Doubled names at the electors' list

The Interior Ministry presented the updated data of the electors’ list, based on which the citizens will address to the voting centers on the June 23rd elections.

As for cleaning the double names, which is a real concern for the lists, the Deputy Interior Minister, Ferdinand Poni, declared that from 7674 this number has gone down to 1454.

“On December 12th 2012 we sent 7674 names which were found doubled in the lists. On May 3rd this number has went down to 1454”, declared the Deputy Interior Minister, Ferdinand Poni.

The list of May 3rd has 3.271.956 electors in total, 14.216 of whom are not ready to be published yet.

"14 216 electors’ names are not ready to be published yet”, Poni declared.

Mr.Poni added that after the end of the legal deadline, 40 days before the elections, the list will take the right shape in full accordance with the law.

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