Monday, May 6, 2013

U.S.: We are concerned about the CEC. If touched votes, we will not stand indiferente


May 6th, 2013 

Comission for Security and Cooperation in Europe, also known as the U.S. Helsinki Commission, held a hearing on Albania.

Originally forward two congressmen, Robert Aderholt and Eliot Engel spoke Philip Reeker, Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs.

He said the U.S. is concerned about the independence of the Central Election Commission.

"CEC members not to administer elections fairly," said Riker.

He said that politicians in Albania must fulfill vacancies in the CEC.

"Politicians have a duty to select new members to replace those countries. We seek to fulfill these obligations and bring names, "said Riker.

"Institutions in Albania are new and have not always been able to organize elections that meet expectations," said the U.S. official.

He said that the CEC has the capacity to make choices free and fair.

"Parties shall ensure elections free and fair. Must make choices that reflect the standards of a NATO country, "said Riker.

He said several times that they do not support any party, but are on the side of the Albanian people, who wants elections free and fair.

Reeker said that if elections have manipulations, the U.S. will not sit idly.

"People will be very disappointed if this manipulation. If this happens, we do not stand "

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