Monday, May 6, 2013

"Failure of Brussels deal is in Serbia's interest"
BELGRADE -- The opposition Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) on Monday marked its patron saint day, Đurđevdan (feast of St. George).

"Failure of Brussels deal is in Serbia's interest"

Party leader and former Serbian PM Vojislav Koštunica hosted a reception in Belgrade, and commented on the recently initialed agreement between Belgrade and Priština by saying that it was in Serbia's interest for the deal to fall through.

"Precisely during these great (holiday) days our government has moved to wholeheartedly hand over Kosovo and Metohija to the fake and self-proclaimed state of Kosovo, and in doing that drag Serbia into a crisis the results of which are impossible to predict," he told reporters.

The current government, Koštunica further charged, was dismantling institutions of its own state in Kosovo and Metohija. For this reason, he called on the citizens to engage in peaceful resistance.

"It is in our interest for the Brussels agreement to fail," Koštunica stressed, and added that the DSS warned against the initialing and signing of the deal, while the current phase was its implementation - "and it is in our interest that it is not implemented."

The DSS leader then said that Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija also agreed on this point, and that his party would help them out. He noted that a protest rally was scheduled in Belgrade for May 10 at 12:44 CET - a symbolic reference to UN Security Resolution 1244.

Asked whether his party "did all it could to solve the Kosovo problem" while he served as prime minister, Koštunica said that negotiations lasted two years at the time, but that the Democrats (DS), along with other parties, had a majority in that government - "and were in favor of the EU."

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