Monday, May 27, 2013

Papandreou & Angelopoulos To Form New Party With The Blessings of the Clintons!

By on 26.5.13

With the blessings of Hillary and Bill Clinton, George Papandreou and Gianna Angelopoulos are the main personalities that press reports claim will head the leadership of a new party in Athens, titled the Democrats. The US will finally have two figures it trusts in Athens and the new party could possibly even battle heads with the pro-Europe New Democracy party, as well as PASOK and DIMAR.

As mentioned earlier, the new party is going to be modeled after the relevant party in the US. The official Democratic party in Greece denied this report, but there are too many reports surfacing all over the Greek press that claim that it is true.

When we heard the name of the party here at HellasFrappe we began to laugh, because much like Pizza Hut and KFC it looks like politics are now going global as well.

On a serious note, it is still unknown what type of role Gianna and George will play, but it is believed that she will probably deal with foreign contacts while George Papandreou lays the groundwork (or awakens his shady socialist network) all over Greece.

(We wonder how many advisers he will need for that, last time he required a whole mess of people just to keep is IPad in top working order! Lol)

Gianna never hidden her political ambitions. In fact when former premier Costas Karamanlis was in power it was reported that she was pressuring him through Eleftheros Typos (a newspaper which she had owned) to nominate her for President of the Republic.

As for George, well three years after totally destroying Greece's economy and ridiculing our country and its people globally, he plans to make a comeback. In fact George Papandreou says that he is now ready and willing to return to the central political scene so that he can answer to all of his critics and at the same time prove to all concerned that the decisions he took in office were for Greece's benefit.

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