Monday, May 27, 2013

Jannis Plutarxos: I vote for Golden Dawn"

"The" democratic" parties destructed their citizens"
"I, support the Golden Dawn" the famous Greek singer 
Jannis Plutarxos expressed in an interview in the newspaper Proto Thema.
About the apparent rise of nationalist right in our country, the famous singer
Jannis Plutarxos said: "It is the result of a general indignation of an enormous injustice. Although I'm not man of extremes, I would like to ask you what worse could make an extreme rightist or an extreme left party of those who govern us, "filling," Democratic politicians are not the ones who looted and destroyed the people, forcing them to work for 400 euros and say thank you? talking about the "fascist" Golden Dawn and not talking about fascism to boggling with so I want the labors of a lifetime! What's this? There is junta or indeed a capitalist junta? ".
He continued: "And I if these parties manage in the right way and respect the problems of the Greeks, I am the first who will vote. Today criticize the acts of the parties and not interested in the ratings as masked or bullies. It is what they want. Enough to make the country the deadlock ... I regret to three years to see that democracy is a regime unenforceable by humans. It's a clever lie erected covered with a masterly manner the corruption of politicians. "

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