Thursday, April 25, 2013

The fifth meeting of the SA Council took place in Luxembourg

EU and Albania visa deal on track


The visa deal between EU and Albania is on track , something  that increases the possibility for Albania to achieve the EU membership.

The Stabilisation and Association Council (SA Council) took place on 23 April in Luxembourg. The SA council issued a joint statement stressing that the Balkan country “had made good progress towards meeting the political criteria for membership.”

Regarding the EU and Albania visa deal, “the SA Council noted that the EU remains committed to the short-term visa free travel regime for Albania,” welcoming “the renewed commitment of the Albanian authorities to ensure respect of the conditions attached to visa liberalisation.” However, the EU body asked from the authorities in Albania to address the issue of “unfounded asylum applications lodged by Albanian nationals.” In addition the SA Council asked from the national authorities to focus now in all the mechanisms needed in order to successfully implement “the first post visa liberalisation monitoring report.”

In regard with the EU membership, the SA Council noted that the 2012 presidential elections didn’t meet all the expectations for inclusiveness. Therefore, the SA Council underlined once again the importance of conducting the June parliamentary elections in line with the international standards.

In addition, the EU body welcomed all the political reforms in Albania stressing the importance for a parliamentary consensus in reforms needed for granting Albania the candidate status. According to the statement the most significant reforms are notably finalising the revision of the parliamentary Rules of Procedure, adopting the Civil Service Law and passing amendments to the High Court Law. The prudent separation of powers and the need for an accountable and independent public administration were once again emphasised by the SA Council.

Overall the relations between EU and Albania are improving being on the road to membership.

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