Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I find publication in Milliyet daily absolutely scandalous: Bulgaria PM 

24 April 2013 | 13:57 | FOCUS News Agency

Home / Bulgaria
Sofia. “I find the map published in Turkish Milliyet daily newspaper absolutely scandalous,” said Bulgarian interim Prime Minister Marin Raykov, asked to comment on the map of New Turkey published in the Turkish media, on which part of Bulgaria is included in the Turkish territory, FOCUS News Agency reporter informed.
“The map is so scandalous that it even does not deserve a commentary by a prime minister but only his contempt,” Raykov remarked.
The interim Bulgarian prime minister commented further that he would not react on the publications in the Turkish media.
“In addition there is no such practice for the ambassadors to assume responsibility over the actions of the journalists,” Raykov said when asked if there was a need to hand a verbal note to the Turkish Ambassador.
“A state cannot react on something written in a newspaper. It is not the first time for journalists of one or another media to make such highly inappropriate moves. This happens not only in the Turkish press but also in many other media. The only thing I can do is to pass over the issue with a deep contempt,” Raykov remarked.

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