Saturday, April 27, 2013

Lubonja: Failure of CEC and politic elections in Albania, may have unforeseen consequences for the country

In Albania the pre elections syndrome, is predominated by "bandocratia"

Lost representation of the interests of citizens and the picture is like a gang war, not just opposing, but enemies to death, to achieve what I said earlier: to win at any price..

Fatos Lobonja, in an interview with DW talks about pre-election atmosphere, CEC activity and role in the international impact of political unrest in Albania


In your viewpoint as will now characterize the political atmosphere and take about eight weeks for the parliamentary elections?

My sense of what is happening in Albania is that we are in an atmosphere of political degradation in the pre-election period. But a few words to describe the situation, I would say that on the one hand and the population is on the other side as a theater of the absurd scene is a "ring" of a caste ugly I do not know that the throws and do not know what does. Determinative in this "ring" is the ability to buy, to sell, to threaten, to manipulate, to steal a word, to do everything, at any cost, just to reach the goal. Lost representation of the interests of citizens and the picture is like a gang war, not just opposing, but enemies to death, to achieve what I said earlier: to win at any price. So we are in a bandocratoria.

Competing in these elections have two large coalitions and two new parties to compete alone. How do you rate this political configuration in the wake of the June 23 elections?

To share the facade, it appears from the outside where the two major camps run by DP and SP, are in an ideological clash between the program and the Right and Left. But inside prevailing Breaking promise to fraud, no guarantee that the system will change. He lay system corruption, nepotism, unfair competition in the market, clientelism, uncertainty in order, trafficking, environmental destruction, etc.., Etc.. So, the prevailing propaganda to play with feelings of citizens, without solving anything from the problems they encounter in everyday life. At a time when the economic and social situation is very serious in my opinion. These competing formations seems to me that many people look with indifference, distrust and pessimism. Because you people do not really change results. There may be difference of numbers of forces, but not change the system. Two major coalitions are doing everything to maximize votes, at any cost to their interests, not the interests of citizens.

Election preparations are progressing, but so unusual however the Central Election Commission discusses and votes on decisions and procedures that only four members are proposed by the majority. How do you evaluate this?

More than to CEC climate problem is exacerbated and polarized political climate to distrust that exists. We just bandokracie behavior that does not accept anything in between, which does not accept and does not want any impartial arbiter of legitimacy. Not to accept an independent CEC. Legal formula for building CEC is made such that the strongest of control. The paradox is that the CEC members swear that they will be loyal to the constitution and electoral law, in fact they are treated as political puppets as party tools. So, in order to bandocratoria. What is happening with the CEC is the best indicator of how difficult it is in Albania to become a free and fair. With CEC AM broke the law by replacing a member and already functioning process is in collapse. Normal functioning of the CEC of the risk around as prelude to elections that could have unpredictable consequences. So this issue must be resolved to bring the process reliability.

For weeks there was a close associate of international engagement in the Albanian political scene irritated. Diplomats accredited in Tirana, officials in Brussels, Washington, governments and institutions strive to be active in public statements or messages on other channels. How do you see their role in this situation?

In a country like Albania, the international community has limitations. Look, the international community unfortunately in our country is still viewed as the sole arbitrator, the only legitimizing the game to make political parties. This is a sign of lack of democracy in the country. If you turn to the case of the CEC, when it came to replacing the user should have the procedure illegal citizen reaction. But in fact nothing happened. Everything expected from the statements of any foreign ambassador, the statements of the institutions and other Western officials. Actually these are not very effective, because the government can not change, can not change their party presidents, can not sit in parliament and discuss the pass laws, to give election results, etc, etc.. This is a limitation of internationals in their impact. Albanian politicians seem to know better the "impotence" of international and in many cases act as "fluid drank here". However international use of their premises, make a balanced assessment, rebuke, interfere with care when things get stuck or watch setback, and do their best pressure. However it is essential that the Albanians should be key players in solving their problems. This is achieved with a functioning democracy, the institutions are independent, the separation of powers guaranteed. But actually we are still far from meeting these standards.

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