Friday, April 26, 2013

Alert for a terrorist attack in May, in Greece

Albanian prisoners, UCK and Islamic groups, are targeted

The Greek authorities and agencies are on orange alert, after the rise of international terrorism, but also a result of information, viewing very large the probability of terrorist threats undermining our country during May, on the eve of the season.

According to information from the newspaper "Parapolitika ' an attention of Counter terrorism, focuses on the prison environment, where, through mass escape can occur cores extremists attempting sabotage within the Greek territory.

The scenario of a group escaping convicts, especially foreigners, would become subject to international media and will create uncertainty for those preparing to visit Greece is under consideration with priority.

Government agencies have requested international assistance from foreign agencies, in terms of information exchange in order to avoid any design evolved before such action on Greek soil.

Suspicions of Greek security services, based on the mobilization of European and U.S. agencies after hitting in Boston have focused on Albanian and tourko Islamist extremist groups as to whether to have developed a network with prisoners in Greek prisons. Critical parameter whether in operation offshoots mujaheddin and members of the UCK in the southern Balkans.

The focus of continuous monitoring prisoners are ethnic Albanians, but also Muslim who may have created a communication system with extremist groups Albanian and Turkish origin outside prison or communities of illegal immigrants.

Scenario to consider is the group of convicts escape common-law Greek origin. This is based on some information that controlled, whereby the escape attempt from prison Trikala, involving Vlastos, was the dress rehearsal next similar moves.

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