Sunday, April 28, 2013

"Greece can become involved in war"

General Secretary of Communist Party, Dimitris Koutsoubas: The Risks involvement of Greece in wars are real.

A Risk of involvement of Greece in a military conflict which will occur even in the wider region of Southeastern Mediterranean sees the new Secretary General Communist Party of Greece Dimitris Koutsoubas.

In an interview with D. Koutsoubas the weekly newspaper "Real news", to answer what exactly he meant by its relative distaste at the recent congress of the Communist Party:

 "The Communist Party does not say lip. We study international developments, the course of economic crisis, we analyze the competition between capitalist states and imperialist alliances constantly sharpen and not hide from rigged smiles and compliments of official diplomacy.

  These contrasts are especially acute in our region and for the control and distribution of energy sources, the enormous wealth that exists, as well as transport routes and movements.

  Therefore we do not exclude anything, anything can happen. Risks involvement of Greece in wars are real. We are concerned, for example, the government's stance on the issue of EEZ, the intensity of competition Greek ruling class with the bourgeoisie in Turkey, Albania, other countries across the region, not to mention chronic problems of the region are our tinderbox with unpredictable consequences.

  Very close is Middle East, North Africa, Caucasus, Balkans, where meet and compete we have known to not count much frogs floundering around them. "

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