Sunday, April 28, 2013

Berisha: We are heirs of Dardania Illyrian tribe

For the first time, Berisha speaks to Albanians, as heirs of dardans

Berisha brings in memory of Kosovo Albanian leader Ibrahim Rugova, about the creation of the state of Dardania

During an election rally in northern Albania, in Port of Shengjin, Prime Minister of Albania, Sali Berisha, has mentioned the term Dardan, as an Illyrian state, in Sant Costandine day, one of Illyrian Albanian monarchs.

The reference comes just in a time that Albania, is in the verge of a new collapse, in the event that political choices, can fail.

During his speech, Berisha declared that "we are proud that we are descendants of the Illyrians, who had their state Dardania" and that one of the major figures was Saint Costandin.

Berisha's statement, may have geopolitical impact, according to analysts, is a continuation of the efforts of former Kosovo president Ibrahim Rugova, who had announced the creation of the new Albanian state, Dardania.

This is the second statement that Berisha has made ​​since last November, which labeled Greater Albania from Preveza to Preshevo.

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