Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Secret orders of March '1997 (The Albanian Civil War)!
gazeta dita cover

Ther Newspaper "DITA", has discovered some secret orders for mass murder in '97-n signed by Head of SHIK Bashkim Gazidede, in March 2, 1997, the Secret order authorizing SHIK list to kill, in Vlora, Saranda, Argjirokaster ecct..

The Secret Order of March 9 for arming militants in Northern Albania, in Kukes, Has, Tropoje, Puke, Mirdita Shkodra Debar, Kurbin, Lezhë, and Burrel ... against the Southern Albania.

Order aerial bombardment and the list of people to be executed ...

Former top military Kol Ndrek, and expert of Albanian army in detail tells the drama of 1997, he is convinced to this day: "If you will permit, Berisha, is ready to repeat 1997, the actually situation in Albania.

"It is even becoming more ferocious and determined, as the oppression," thinks Ndrek and adds: "His man, can cost heavily, as until now."

version in Albanian:

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