Saturday, March 16, 2013

Kavaja protester dies

Kavaja protester dies
The event that brought the arrest of the Mayor of Kavaja is not closed with his liberation.

One of the persons who were taken last Sunday under police custody has passed away today. The cause of his death is not clear, and brings back the attention on March 10th in Kavaja, when Ruzhdi Aliu, 47, who was among the  protesters that were demanding Roshi’s liberation, was arrested by the police and died while going to collect scrap metal near the railway.

His relatives blame the police for Aliu’s death. They say that he was hit on his chest, and after this he had health problems in prison.

The relatives added that Aliu has never had health problems before, rejecting this way the police claims that he had health problems before the arrest.

One of his friends said for Top Channel that Aliu had problems during Sunday night, and in the morning he even vomited blood.

Contacted by Top Channel, sources at the Durres Hospital confirmed the relatives’ declarations, saying that Aliu had never asked medical aid before that Sunday. But they added that he was brought in by the Police on Monday. He has had the same concerns during the week and received laxatives.

Aliu’s body is currently at the Durres morgue and the family is waiting for the coroner’s final report. Aliu was arrested last Sunday, during a protest of dozens of citizens against the arrest of Elvis Roshi, the Mayor of Kavaja.

Roshi was detained in Kavaja until March 13th, and then was released. Aliu’s death could spur controversies for the way how the incident in Kavaja was handled, especially for the fact that the opposition thinks that the incident was politically motivated.

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