Monday, March 18, 2013

Skopje, about 2000 IDs for the slavo Macedonians from Pusteci (Liqenas) of Albania

SKOPJE - They are being printed ID cards for Pusteci residents in Albania, who will receive permanent residence in the Municipality of "Center" in Skopje, to announce Portal resources "A1on" in Macedonia, referring to well-informed sources from Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA).

According to the same sources, it comes to 2000 IDs for Macedonian citizens from Albania, who will have the opportunity to vote in the Municipality of "Center" of Skopje.

According to the above portal, such an attempt of rigging elections is not the case for the first time. Long ago, such ID cards were distributed in Resnje and Ohrid, but so far the authorities have not taken anything.

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