Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Newspaper Shekulli": Pandeli Majko called for military aid Turkey, during the NATO air campaign in Kosovo

Kosovo '99, Turkey ready to intervene militarily troops, at the request of the Albanian Prime Minister Majko

    Prime Minister Ecevit promises Albanian counterpart Majko: We will not allow anyone to touch the borders and territorial integrity of Albania

Exactly the same month, a C-130 Hercules of the Hellenic Air Force, landing in Tirana and transported to the Greek hospitals, newborn daughter of the Prime Minister Pandeli Majko

 Serbian policy for Kosovo Albanians had become a shocking reality for over international opinion. Colonel Hajro Limaj, who in March 1999 was the duty of military attaché in Ankara says the Prime Minister Majko sensing historical responsibility of Tirana, had set in motion all the close political and diplomatic arsenal, and had been completely transformed and eyes Ankara hopes ...

How to negotiate the accession of Turkey into a war for the Albanian territories?

Ankara carefully follow developments in Kosovo and international attitudes towards it. On the second floor of the embassy, ​​I was just me with the ambassador, S. Bala. That day, on March 29, 1999, from Tirana Majko Prime Minister demanded that the ambassador to implement an emergency meeting with Prime Minister Bülent Ecevit, and explain the situation in the north of Albania ...

Serbian military forces have bombed several times by artillery and its military substations continue to enter deep into our territory. I ask him to make a strong statement to the media, which clearly expresses real support of the State and the Turkish Armed Forces to defend the sovereignty of Albania and then ask him the urgent needs of our Armed Forces for logistic support, by fax that will send now Lion, the Minister of Defense. he concluded.

Turkey guarantees Albania territory

On 2-3 March '99, the former prime minister, Pandeli Majko, on top of a government delegation made an important visit to Ankara. The Albanian delegation was composed of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Paskal Milo, Minister of Defence, Luan Hajdaraga, Minister of Finance, Anastas Angjeli Minister of Economy, star owl. The delegation moved to the hotel "Hilton" in downtown Ankara. The next day, the Prime Minister was received by the country's president, Süleyman Demirel, Prime Minister Bülent Ecevit, and Chief of Staff and Commander of the Armed Forces, army general, Kivrikoglu. Shtatmadhori were scheduled to attend the meeting only Majko Prime Minister, Minister of Defence, Luan Hajdaraga and Albania's military attaché, Colonel Hajro Limaj.

The topics to be discussed, we had worked and coordinate all matters before he took the delegation in Ankara. The key will be the ways of solving the Kosovo crisis and the protection of the sovereignty of Albania from a possible military attack of the Serbian Armed Forces, which can be undertaken on the grounds of the attack and destruction of units and military units Liberation Army Kosovo, the KLA, some of whom trained Albania's northern territories. Another argument, more calculable as a theoretical possibility, it would be Albania's entry into the war, to protect Kosovo Albanians from Serbian genocide, which had been carried out by Milosevic, variant which would apply if NATO does not to intervene militarily in Kosovo.

Chief of General Staff, General Hysejn army Kevrekoglu, who carefully follow through strategic intelligence developments in Northern Albania and in Kosovo, assured Prime Minister Majko comprehensive support military to protect the borders and territorial integrity of Albania through concrete roads , to be applied by future developments in the field. He also assured Mr. Majko that would support militarily Albania, if it is forced to go to war with Serbia, to avoid Serbian genocide against Albanians in Kosovo. It should be noted that all countries Albania sought political, diplomatic and military, for the protection and liberation of Kosovo, the only country that responded positively was Turkey..............


Greece, saved Majko`s daughter, newly born

April 1999: C 130 Hercules of the Hellenic Air Force from Athens to Tirana, comes to help the Albanian prime minister personally, to save his daughter, newly born

Greece is shocked by the response of Pandeli Majko, former prime minister of Albania, in the years of crisis, Serbia - NATO for Kosovo in 1999

Today, the Kosovo Albanians, are grabbing land in Himara, presenting Albanian passport, while in the summer of 1999, former Greek foreign minister George Papandreou asked, Prime Minister Pandeli Majko, to block the flow of Albanian Kosovar population, in south of Albania, mainly in Himara Region

Dozens of articles but also excitement for Orthodox Christian former prime minister, Pandeli Majko, by the Greek press.

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