Monday, February 18, 2013


Youth of Northern Epirus: "Protocol of Corfu" anniversary, will celebrate from Vlora in Koritsa

99 th anniversary of the declaration of autonomy, NEAVI: We Call to boycott parliamentary elections in Albania

Participation of thousands of citizens, in Athens, which was commemorated on Sunday 17 February, 99 th anniversary of the declaration of Autonomy of Northern Epirus, has called to commemorate the Protocol of Corfu in 1914, in Northern Epirus, Southern Albania.

According to the organizers, who belong to youth of Northern Epirus NEAVI, the anniversary will include for the first time in Northern Epirus from Vlora to Koritsa, to show, that we are in our land and that we will seek the establishment of autonomy in basic of the agreement international of the Protocol of Corfu, in 17 May 1914, signed also by the Albanian representative Mehdi Frasheri. .

According NEAVIs, independence of Kosovo, as the basis of self-determination of small nations, is a geopolitical process that should be taken in consideration.

Meanwhile NEAVI says northern epiriotes, have lost confidence with the Greek governments, which has sabotaged the 22 years of the right to self-determination of the people of Northern Epirus, and seek to internationalize this problem with the help of the Greek diaspora in USA.

Meanwhile, sources from the last Sunday Rally, said that NEAVI has called to boycott parliamentary elections to be held in Albania. "We do not what to take advantage of the choice of a Vangel Dule or any other, in Albanian parliament, since they do not represent our right to self-determination but see their career in Albania," says the source.

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