Sunday, February 17, 2013

Egypt 'On Way' to Kosovo’s Recognition

Egypt Announces Recognition of Kosovo’s Independence
The statement was made by Pakinam Al -Sharkawy after talks with Kosovo’s Prime Minister Hashim Thaci. Sharqawy arrived in Kosovo to take part in the celebrations.
“Egypt supports Kosovo’s entry to international organizations such as the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD),” Sharqawy said adding that Cairo is carrying out an ‘open doors’ policy towards Kosovo.
She said Egypt and Kosovo “are on the way to building positive relations and mutual understanding.”
Kosovo, a landlocked region with a population consisting mainly ethnic Albanians, declared its independence from Serbia in February 2008. Some 100 nations, including the United States, acknowledged Kosovo's independence.
After the 2011 revolution, Egypt, which was opposed to Kosovo’s independence, became more supportive of it. Kosovo earlier voiced hopes that it would be recognized as an independent state by the Arab Spring countries.

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