Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The fake "Owner" of Resort in Draleo of Himara, is wanted by Interpol Athina

Pellumb Petriti is the main person who has sold under fake documents, the property to build tourist Resort in Draleo and Palasa of Himara Region.

According to confidential information's to SManalysis, Greece, soon will proclaim a list of Albanian criminals to Interpol, and even those who robbed the property in Himara and Northern Epirus (From Narta to Eksamil).

A long list of names for Interpol from Albania, will announce very soon by Greece, where at the top of the list some Albanian citizens, who are very related to the oligarchs and politicians of Albania.

Among them, the main one is Pellumb Petriti, a former politician leader in Vlora, wanted by the Prosecution of Albania (!).

Pellumb Petriti, is wanted by Albanian police for three years, an exponent of organized crime in Albania and Region, known for the circulation of dirty money and fake property purchase belonging to ethnic Greeks in the Vlora District such as, Narta and Himare.

A year ago, the Investigative Journalists of BIRN in Brussels, published a report titled "The Tourist Resort of Palasa, is building on looted Properties in Himara Region", in which, are involved the Prosecution and the Court of Vlora, which in cooperation with the Property Registration Office,  had manipulated under the falls origin documents, the properties, which belonging to the Greek Community member in Himara Region, and one of the names is Pellumb Petriti.

Greece is very concerned about the security of the Greek community and their properties, in Southern Albania and particularly in The Himara Region, which is became the part of the Albanian Strategy to conquest the lands and territories in favor of the resorts and touristic villages of the Oligarchs, of the Albanian Kosovo Mafia.

Only in last February, The Albanian Government, has give propriety titles to 300 Albanian citizens from other parts of Albania (Muslim Religion), to be owners of  the mostly beautiful and rich territory of the Himara Region and all Albania, including to the beaches.




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