Thursday, May 11, 2017

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, avoids the meeting with the US Congressmen

Image result for kongresmenet amerikan ne tirane

The US Congressmen's mission has been kept secret, but everything according to sources has been geopolitical stability, regional developments in the Western Balkans as well as Albania's relations with its neighbors, also seen in the context of border change

Rama has used the same scheme, ignoring the meeting with the group of US Congressmen, led by Republican Bob Goodlatte.
Tow years ago, he has rejected the meeting with three US Congressmen led by Republican Gus Bilirakis.

Since the US Embassy in Tirana has issued a statement about the US Congressional Meeting mission in Albania, The American Spectator reveals that the US Congressman is more interested in Washington's regional policies related to the former Obama administration , Regarding the scandals of Soros Foundation, Albania and the Western Balkan countries. One of the main aspects of this mission is the Balkan regional developments, possibly with the change of borders in the Balkans, proposed by the Commission for Foreign Affairs of the American Congress.Just as two years ago, in Occtober 2015, the delegation of three US Congressmen, led by Republican Gus Bilirakis, held meetings with senior state leaders, excluding Prime Minister Edi Rama, who refused this meeting.

Everything in the Albanian media was announced that the meeting had the main objective in the spirit of Albania's EU perspective and its stabilizing role in the region, but their mission was, in fact, for the main purpose, respecting the freedoms and rights of Humans in the Himara Region and the Greeks in Northern Epirus.

Tirana, October 11, 2014
Hotel "Sheraton" Tirana, Albania: US Republican Congresman of Florida 
Gus Bilirakis, with represent of the People of Himara.

This meeting was widely debated by official Tirana, as an intervention of the Greek American lobby, in the USA, in the interior affairs of Albania. But the US Congressman makes it clear to the official Tirana that any violation of the freedoms and rights of the Greeks in Albania and in Himara Region constitutes a violation of the obligations of Albania as a member of NATO and undermines the European perspective of Albania, aggravating with Greek relations.

But seeing the cancellation of two meetings, respectively 2015 and 2017 with the US Congressman and Prime Minister Rama in Tirana, it is clear that Balkan regional developments and respect for the rights and freedoms of the Greeks in Albania, especially in Himara Region for self-determination, Is one of the hot spots of the crash between Prime Minister Edi Rama, a regional politician based on the Soros doctrine, and the diplomatic policies of the Trump administration.

In February of this year, the Head of the United States Congressional Foreign Commission, Dana Rohrabacher told an Albanian media that "FYROM will be disbanded and this follows, it is in line with the new policies of the Tump Administration, the change of the Balkan borders ".

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