Saturday, April 22, 2017

Tirana Declaration on "Great Albania" raises Serbian opinion for Balkan War

Serbian media claim Albanians want war, while Musliu says Presheva must unite too


Serbian media claim Albanians want war, while Musliu says Presheva must unite too

Almost all states, Serbia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Macedonia, but even Greece, have seen seriously the statements of Albanian leaders from Tirana, Pristina and Presevo, for the unification of Albanians in a single state.

This provocation happened 4 years ago, when former Prime Minister Sali Berisha called for NATO to unite Albanians in a single state. Being coincidental or true, that declaration for changing the boundaries in the Balkans, this time come from the Albanians.

Serbian media claim Albanians want war, while Musliu says Presheva must unite too
Serbian media claim that Albanians are looking once again for war, after the recent declarations of the Prime Minister of Albania and President of Kosovo, who declared that if the EU perspective is closed, Albania and Kosovo may unite.

Serbian PM Alexandar Vucic said that “Greater Albania” will remain a dream, while Serbain Foreign Minister, Ivica Dacic, asked international factors to react.

A special declaration came also from the Albanian National Council, Jonuz Musliu, who said from Bujanoc that the Albanians of Serbia must unite with Kosovo and Albania.

“Unification of Kosovo and Albania will have no sense without Eastern Kosovo, the unification of Presheva, Medvegja and Bujanoc”, Musliu said.

Other politicians at the Presheva Valley didn’t comment it, but for Musliu there are no doubts that Belgrade has never wanted to work with the Albanians in Serbia, that’s why their only choice is to unite with Kosovo and Albania.

Serbian media also claim that NATO support for war has not been absent. Serbian officials asked the international community to react regarding the declarations of politicians for Albanian and Kosovo, saying that Albanians must not be backed same as during the war time, and that Serbia will not stay silent.

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