Thursday, April 27, 2017

Rama: Ramush Haradinaj reappears as our winner in Pristina

By InSerbia with agencies - Apr 27, 2017


Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama speaks at the news conference with visiting Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic, the first Serbian leader to visit the nation after a troubled past, at the Palace of Brigades in the Albanian capital, Tirana, Wednesday, May 27, 2015. Both countries are trying to overcome their troubled past while working toward EU membership. Relations between the two Balkan states remain strained, mainly over the former Serbian province of Kosovo where majority ethnic Albanians declared independence in 2008 which Serbia refused to recognize. (AP Photo/Hektor Pustina)

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama welcomed release of Ramush Haradinaj. “Ramush reappears as our winner in Pristina. I am proud of the Kosovo Liberation Army. Better ever than never”, said Rama on his Facebook profile.

Court decision in Colmar was also welcomed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Albania (MFAA), which said in a statement that the court thus confirmed previous two-tier decision in The Hague, which acquitted Haradinaj.

It also states that the head of the Albanian diplomacy welcomed the decision of the French court and conveyed fraternal greetings to all the people of Kosovo.

“Justice has been served. We believe that the court’s decision should be welcomed as a victory of truth and justice over unfounded and politically motivated accusations which were aimed at discrediting and destabilizing the state of Kosovo, and the equalization of struggle of the people of Kosovo and KLA for the freedom and against the crimes of the Milosevic regime”, says the statement.

The Albanian Ministry calls on Serbia to give up “the influence over Kosovo”, as statement reads.

“(MFAA) believes that the progress of the region in Euro-Atlantic processes is a base for strengthening of cooperation and good neighborly policies, to which Albania was and remains fully committed. Kosovo is a country and that is unchangeable reality, and fraternal ties between Albania and Kosovo stabilize the region and are oriented to our common European future”, says the statement.

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