Thursday, April 20, 2017

Himara- Albania: Protest and tension at the Court of Vlora District

Citizens from Himara protested today, in front of the Vlora Court, for its decisions against the territory and assets of the Himara Region.

As it has become publicly known, the Albanian government has taken several legal initiatives to change the property titles in Himara Region. Currently, a valuable part of Himara's territory has been handed over to the Oligarchs, which are favored by the Albanian Government Decisions.

In addition to these hostile actions against Himara, today the main role played by Courts and Prosecution, which entitles the state to win every claim on the properties and assets of the Greeks of Himara.

The situation degenerated for months, a conflict between the Greek residents of the Himara Region with the Albanian state, where Greece and the EU have intervened several times. Just a few months ago, the Albanian government had carried out projects to destroy hundreds of homes of indigenous peoples, claiming to develop tourism.

But after a publication of property titles from Albania's Property Registration Offices, for the Himara Region, several hundred Albanian Myslyms, including oligarchs and members of the Albanian mafia, have benefited lands that are the property of the people of Himara.

For this reason, protests and revolt are expected in the coming days in Himara.

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