Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Properties, not only Himara at "War with Albania". Belgrade opposes Pristina

A real paradox. As they were looted assets of the Greeks and the Orthodox community in southern Albania especially in Himare, Vlore and Sarande, with the same method, in Kosovo, to the Serbs were abducted properties.

Serbia will make a decision that seeks to oppose a decision of the Government of Kosovo, the cadastre record of public property and businesses built factories in the former Yugoslavia.

Head of the Office for Kosovo, Marko Djuric, called actions in Pristina signed by the Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa as a criminal. He has hosted leaders of Kosovo Serb municipalities.

"This decision of the government in Pristina is the perennial attempt to legalize the separatist leaders kidnapping and looting of state property in the southern Serbian province to destroy Economically Serbs in Kosovo and concluded the process of ethnic cleansing," said Djuric.

Kosovo Serbs seek properties that claim to belong to Serbia and the former Yugoslav enterprises, the public property, the airport, Trepca's up to the National Park Sar.

They responded to this two Serb ministers.

Ivica Dacic, Serbia's foreign minister: These are political actions and actions incomprehensible to those who do not know what to do.

Aleksandar Vulin, Minister for Social Welfare, Pristina understand that the talks in Brussels do not lead to independence and is doing everything loses meaning to the agreements reached.

But it has also delayed the response from Pristina. Kosovo's government considers this issue closed because, as stated, can not be discussed in Brussels territory within Kosovo and that Kosovo has acted as any former Yugoslav republic.

Himara properties and territory, "at war with Albanian State"

What is happening, is a real paradox. As they were looted assets of the Greeks and the Orthodox community in Southern Albania especially in Himare, Vlore and Sarande, with the same method, in Kosovo, the Serbs were abducted properties.

Apparently, this is the way and the strategy to build the Greater Albania, violating freedoms and rights that belong to other ethnicities, to be embezzled in the name of the Albanian national strategy.

A series of demonstrations were held last year in Himara, properties that were looted by the State in the name of oligarchy, while Athens blocked the perspective of Albania to the EU.

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